In continued interest to develop and refine minimally invasive procedures, recent publications reported a scarless approach in breast lifting.
The authors sought to describe a power-assisted lipomodeling technique combined with surgical loops to achieve breast reduction and reshaping with minimal scars.
Between 2014 and 2018, 94 patients underwent breast reduction by combined liposuction and loops.
Following infiltration of the breasts, liposuction of the outer quadrants and the lower pole was achieved to reduce the breast footprint and the lateral and inferior heaviness of the breast.
After multiaxial multiplanar tunnelization, 3 types of loops were taken around the breast to suspend and elevate the breast skin envelope and parenchyma.
Each loop was guided through a 3-mm, 3-hole cannula passed through skin stab incisions.
The first loop was designed to reduce the breast footprint and enhance the breast projection, whereas the second loop was designed to achieve breast conus remodeling.
The third loop was passed circumferentially around the areola and then cephalad along the breast axis and pulled until the desired nipple-areola complex elevation was reached.
Each loop was pulled to achieve the desired breast projection and shape.