Laxity of the upper eyelid skin in the elderly usually leads to an aged appearance and visual field defect, which affects their quality of life.
However, there are very few reports on the evaluation and treatment strategy for upper eyelid skin redundancy in elderly Asians.
Hence, this article describes an upper eyelid skin laxity correction surgery using an innovative parallel palpebral margin incision to improve ptosis and enlarge the visual field.
From August 2012 to March 2021, 87 patients with severe eyelid laxity and ptosis presented to the Plastic Surgery Department of the Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University.
Upper eyelid skin laxity correction surgery with eyelid marginal incision was performed to correct the excessive tissue between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid and improve patients' vision field.
Thereafter, a postoperative follow-up was conducted to observe the results in terms of skin laxity, eyelid shape changes, visual field improvement, postoperative scars, and patients' satisfaction.